GCRC Hachi Rock Matsuri - Part #2 Body Comp Winners.
Let's check out the grinners.
This pandora TRUENO is simple and has a big impact. It caught the eye for the GCRC SPL award.
I think it's very "in budget" for a typical hachi owner just getting into drift.
My choice for body award goes to this machine. Yokomo Hayashi base.
The Replica Style is representative of a simple AE86 with that RWB touch.
With lights on, this machine pops even more.
3rd place people choice went to this goto-san style replica. Yokomo Sunrise Levin base.
Battle scarred and perfect!
4age ready to rumble.
Pipes probably oversize for a 4AGE. Swap perhaps?
This machine is one that would divide any crowd. And that usually means it's pushing boundaries.
Red and black with the battle Vixens covering the D-Like shell.
deep vents and more.
Itaisha style is all about individuality and this is just that.
low and scraping. #2 voted.
Now I've had this machine in the build for a few months. It's a very reserved build for me.
I really struggled not to add a crazy D1 style all covering livery. So Pirelli was the only addition.
There's actually a lot of detail, with Tamiya and Addiction parts, painted body lines, custom diffuser, interior, lights and more,
But I think it's just the clean style that catches the attention. Whatever the reason,
Thanks for voting #1 in the Hachi Rock Matsuri.