MST Meshies

Let's take a look at the MST selectable offset mesh wheel.

I will call this MST wheel "Selectable" rather than Adjustable.The reason being, once your selection is made, There cannot be any further adjustment.

You select by lining up the tabs on the spoke section with the slots on the rim section. which is numbered 3,5,7,9

These must then be glued into place. So choose very very carefully. And line them up carefully too.

The back of the wheel hex is also quite shallow so there is really only room for a 1mm spacer of you get it wrong or err on the conservative side..  Note i haven't pushed the rim in all the way.

Potentially you can create 15mm offset by glueing the rim on the unslotted section, but without the slots, it would probably spin off. 

Thats a pity, because my 220 mm porsche would love that. 

It needs massive rear dish. 

The same on the rear of the 215mm 86.

Deep! haha.

But I guess you have to settle for a larger wheel hub HEX and the 9mm deepest setting 

Up front, 5mm suits this chassis, but my other chassis needs 9mm all round.

Mesh would be great for those Group 5 cars or Croup C cars of the Eighties.

So the Mesh wheels look great in Black and hyper black. if you select the right car. 

Chrome rim and gold center would replicate BBS style rims pretty well. 

Pretty cool