RE-Xtreme Mini SA22C
So I have a little progress on the Mini-SA.
Side profile is NORMAL. cool. Wheels are a little large. But this is 1/12th scale in length.
But it's now 1/10th scale width. resulting in a very very square machine.
Get towards the top angle and things take a different shape. You can see the width I'm building into it.
Two bodies cut to become one.
I have a cool wing with some higher mounts and I have some 4 beam lights that will replace the stock ones.
I'm not happy with the front so I think it will also receive a long splitter.
CS 3.4 on the RF Concept Drift Package with narrow suspension arms I can still run a rather wide rim.
I think it will still work on the mini chassis. The only issue will be getting it low enough.